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An innovative cultural hub for fashion students since 2018

Students are the future of fashion and we want to make sure they design sustainable and circular garments

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Since 2018, Manteco Academy has taught thousands of fashion students from all over the world what sustainability, circular economy and eco-designed textiles are.

All of this through lessons, webinars and field trips with specialised personnel; not to mention the new blog, where we constantly share pills of knowledge. It is an innovative cultural hub for fashion students, but also for professionals, through which Manteco shares its values, culture and know-how.

In addition to education, we also provide our fabrics, or other textile materials, for fashion contests.

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Since 2021, we have established the “Manteco Sustainability Award”. It is a fashion contest for all those students who want to test their eco-design skills. Each student must present a capsule collection project and explain the reasons why it is in line with this design philosophy. Manteco evaluates all the projects by considering the following points: choice of raw materials, design and lookAll of this by giving most importance to the recyclability and subsequent impact of the presented collection.

Through the Manteco Academy project we have made our commitment to The Sustainability Pledge from UNECE

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To improve sustainable and ethical practices in the garment and footwear sector and support the transition to a less wasteful and more circular economy. The Sustainability Pledge is a series of policy recommendations, guidelines and standards that enable industry actors to authenticate their sustainability claims. Companies, governments and other organisations can commit to implementing these UNECE-brokered solutions and declare their actions by signing up to The Sustainability Pledge.

The schools we've worked with:

The contests we have arranged with schools:

The fashion students we have sponsored with our fabrics:

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