French fashion and lifestyle brand IKKS Paris joined forces with Italian textile house Manteco to produce a peacoat crafted from recycled MWool. With sustainability in mind, IKKS Paris’ AW22 collection offers an eco-conscious solution for winter dressing with its latest peacoat. The classic silhouette, which was originally worn by sailors, is rendered in MWool, which is a new generation of recycled wool made in Manteco’s studios in Italy. Similarly to natural virgin wool, the innovative and sustainable fibre is soft, breathable, and heat-regulating. It is the first-ever recycled wool to be certified by the Environmental Product Declaration and boasts fully circular zero-waste. This means its production is 99.2% less impacting on climate change and consumes 93.3% less energy compared to generic virgin wool fibres.
Manteco on VANITY FAIR
[...] Lo ha fatto negli ultimi tempi con i pois ma è cronaca recente il cappotto rosso con il quale ha visitato per la prima volta il Galles dopo avere ricevuto il titolo di principessa del Galles da Carlo due settimane prima. Il soprabito era firmato LK Bennett e il modello si chiamava, non a caso, Spencer. Inoltre il colore è quello rappresentativo del Galles: con un solo look è riuscita a fare un filotto (riuscitissimo) di tributi. Oltretutto il cappotto (out of stock, ovviamente) fa parte della collezione Conscious del brand, realizzato in lana riciclata prodotta in Italia da Manteco, azienda che ha come core business la sostenibilità.
[...] Both the apparel and accessories channel a similar design to the cars with a green and caramel brown palette and, in typical Ronnie Fieg fashion, the collection is made up of no less than 51 pieces. Spanning from Italian leather and Manteco wool outerwear and double-weave coaches jackets, to various styles of knitwear and heavyweight fleece sweatsuits, KITH for BMW Chapter II is made for a “BMW Lifestyle.”
Manteco on THE SPIN OFF
During the last August edition of Munich Fabric Start the round table "Manteco X Marc O'Polo – Recycled Wool as a Key for Circular Fashion" took place. Participating the talk were Marco Mantellassi, co-CEO, Manteco, Prof. Marzia Traverso, full professor and director of Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering (INaB), RWTH Aachen University, Simone Sommer, head of sustainable materials & innovation, Marc O’Polo. Moderating the talk was Maria Cristina Pavarini, senior features editor international, The SPIN OFF/Textilwirtschaft [...]
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