The extended circular economy project for pre-consumer garment making offcuts coming from other manufacturers’ fabrics and unsold/second-class knits
From 4% to 20% of a fabric is left on the floor and wasted during manufacturing processes, and millions of wool garments remain unsold, but thanks to Project53 you can give them a new life.
The purpose of Project 53 is to optimise and reduce to “Zero Waste” leftovers from garment making processes from any manufacturer, not just Manteco. This includes fabrics as well as other textile elements, such as knits. These materials are gathered and, through a simple procedure, recycled into new MWool® fibers and turned into circular, high-end textiles by taking part into our Project53.
By becoming a partner, you can reduce and recycle your offcuts or knits using Manteco as a single point of contact.
Project53 facilitates efficient and effective fibre recycling through a transparent system, creating high quality luxury fabrics. As well as addressing key issues such as traceability and wasteful linear models, Project53 is an excellent tool for your sustainability-focused marketing and storytelling.