The traceable circular economy project for pre-consumer garment making offcuts coming from Manteco® fabrics
Manteco S.p.a
© 2025 All rights reserved.
P.IVA 00297290975
From 4% to 20% of a fabric is left on the floor and wasted during manufacturing processes, but thanks to our product's recyclability you can avoid it and optimize resources with Project43.
Project43 is our unique, traceable and revolutionary project based on circular economy principles. Its purpose is to optimise existing materials and promote “Zero Waste” practices by recovering offcuts from the garment manufacturers that use our fabrics and regenerating them into ‘new’ luxury fabrics. Most of our wool fabrics – either virgin and recycled – are mono-fiber or bi-fiber, which allows us to mechanically recycle them into new MWool® fibers and turn them into circular, high-end textiles. All of this enables circular fashion right from the start, as brands and designers can optimize existing resources and recycle their garment-making offcuts coming from our wool fabrics by taking part into our Project43.
By becoming a partner, you can reduce and recycle your textile waste using Manteco as a single point of contact.
Project43 facilitates efficient and effective fibre recycling through a transparent system, creating high quality luxury fabrics. As well as addressing key issues such as traceability and wasteful linear models, Project43 is an excellent tool for your sustainability-focused marketing and storytelling.