Manteco fabrics in "LIGHT UP" by WRÅD & PULSEE
Manteco S.p.a
© 2025 All rights reserved.
P.IVA 00297290975
You can do anything with the right energy.
This is what the unprecedented collaboration between Wråd and Pulsee is about: inspire change through a sustainable and “photoluminescent” collection. It is a project that unites WRÅD and PULSEE, two companies that are particularly sensitive and attentive to environmental protection and who wanted to create something that was concretely representative of this commitment. The capsule collection is dedicated to the so-called “Pulsers”, those subjects that are full of positive energy and eager to share it with others, with the aim of creating a strong wave of change. The collection is the concrete manifestation of this interior light, as the double-face jacket that composes it was designed and created thanks to the recovery of wool and cashmere, to which a photoluminescent technology was then applied to radiate the rays in the dark. UV absorbed during the day. The photoluminescence of the Italian company Akkotex – also the result of a recovery process – has resulted in three graphics created by the artist and physicist Dave Whyte, which have the purpose of making the Pulsers visible during movements at night.
For this capsule, entirely developed in Italy (Vicenza) by Mary Grace, no virgin raw materials were produced or used.
The garment will be produced in a limited edition and will be on sale exclusively at Frame Condé Nast Experience Store, in piazzale Cadorna 7 in Milan. The entire proceeds from the sale of the "Light Up" capsule collection will be donated to Save the Planet, a non-profit ONLUS that aims to reduce the environmental impact of people, institutions and companies.
- 400 meters of Manteco fabrics
- 1000 g of Luce Dentro photoluminescent pigment, from Alisea's recovery chain
- 3200 meters of tape recovered from NastriTessuti
- 2.4 kg of recycled polyester for labels made by Panama Trimmings